Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Few More Firsts...

Meeting Baby Sissy for the Very First Time...

So Curious...So Cute

The Old Pro Big Sister Layla

Cookies To Celebrate!

She Adores Her!!!

- Big Brother-

A Long Week of Firsts...

A Long week of Firsts.. After Liberty's Firsts moments out of the womb it was clear her firsts breathes were labored.  The first time I've I had a child taken from me after birth...

First time getting to hold her,with all her many cords....

She Stayed for a week, slowly being removed from all those many cords... As her Lil Lungs became strong!

Her First Bath Given by Mommy & Daddy

Her First Time All Dressed!

Her First and Greatest ICN Nurse EVER! Tom taught us so much, his love for Lil Liberty was such a gift from God.  If I had to leave her with anyone it would've been him!

Liberty's First Time In Her Car Seat... Ready For Her First and Most Important Trip Ever...HOME!

Thank You Everyone for Your Calls, Meals, Prayers, Gifts and Love For Liberty as well as our Family!
We are Beyond Thankful and Blessed!!!!