Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Mini Burger Nite...

Here's a quick simple recipe I found yesterday after searching for ideas using ground beef!!! ( I got a HUGE deal on ground beef this weekend, so needless to say we have enough to feed a small army!)I found this off of allrecipes.com. I love this website, its a great way to search using just ingredients you have....
So Here Ya Have It This is Whats For DINNER Tonight!

Doesn't it Just look Yummy....
Here's what you need.
Ground beef - about a cup in a half to feed a family of 4
Package of Onion Dip Mix
Cup in a Half of Shredded Cheese
Cup of Mayo
Mix all ingredients (expect rolls) in skillet..... When meat's fully browned and cheese is melted spoon mixture on to rolls... (line pan with foil) Put tops of rolls on... Cover top with foil bake 15 min at 325
I chopped up some lettuce and served with baked beans and chips!

Layla Loved Them! Enjoy your Mini es!

Monday, April 12, 2010

All Things Egg...

Here's This weeks egg dish, out of the same Food Network Magazine as last weeks... This one was a Lil bit problematic?
Here's the actual picture from the Magazine How hard can it be right, Frozen hash browns, onions, brown with butter top with cheese... Break Eggs and bake at 425 in til eggs are set... Serve with Salsa!
Note to Self, Do not melt butter before adding hash browns.. This is what happens a burnt hash brown mess... Second Pan and Salvaged hash browns.....

Yummy.... I hope to prefect this one, I definitely think next time I'll put the hash browns with cheese in the oven before I add the eggs on... To get it more crispy like the original picture? Maybe a few mintues or so then top with the eggs! It was very tasty!

Happy Breakfast!

Mean... Green... Seating...

This project started because my mom recently purchased a new home, and it has an extremely large awkward porch! What to do, What to do? One night at about 4 in the morning it clicked... Here you have it the start of our porch project! (In Progress)

The Chair(s) Purchased at GreenCycle for 4 a Piece A Lil Sanding

Painting With Spray Paint which I normally don't use but it was just the color we were looking for!!!! A Lil more sanding on the edges and legs to remove the gloss!!!!

Presto - Mean Green Seating In Use!!!! Like I said THIS PORCH is still in progress.... I'll keep Ya Posted!

Monday, April 5, 2010

All Things Egg...

I'm pretty excited to say I finally tried something out of my New Food Network magazine, I don't know if it was because it was an egg dish (easy) or just simply because I mustard up enough courage! Plus it was Easter and I wanted to branch out from my normal breakfast spread! So here it is on the cover looks yummo, huh! I KNOW my picture isn't an exact match but hey this is how it turned out the first time.... I realize I could be all Martha Stewart and make a 100 of them before I get the PERFECT one but what the hay I didn't have the time, we had to be at church in an hour! However I would totally recommend this for the kiddos Layla thought it was the neatest thing...

I don't have a picture step by step but I'll try to add some next time I make it!

Simple : Slice of Bread

- Melted butter in a pan, med high heat

- Use a small biscuit cutter to make take out the center of the bread.

- Put "holy" bread into melted butter, flip once or twice

- Break egg directly into bread hole, will still in pan!

- Cover with foil, cook 5 min or in till egg is the way you like it!

* I actually popped mine in the oven covered! It did a nice job of cooking through! @ 350
Try It, You'll Like It - Take A Tip From ME!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Things You Shouldn't Purchase at Goodwill.....

I was trying to get this post up on April Fools Day... Honestly I wish this was a JOKE! Who in there right mind would donate this to Goodwill, and who in the HECK would price it at Goodwill (really is this sanitary, can you boil it or something)? I know my bow friend Krista will be cringing in her uggs at the sight of this, really its just wrong.... If You don't have boys, or an athletic hubby or brother you might not be aware this is an Athletic cup ( you know to protect the family jewels) FYI it was 5 dollars in case your in the market for a used protector! YUCK double YUCK!

Who Knows what I'll find next....