Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Treats for Kindergartner of the WEEK...

You KNOW I love me a marshmallow, Here's my "Smore" version... YUMMY...

Plain Marshmallow, dipped in Dark Chocolate rolled in crumbled graham cracker

I wrapped all the Smore' Pops...Tied with Tulle...

I Printed Kindergarten Rules on plain computer paper cut and added to yellow card stock tags...

Added Lines, for a very simple Ruler Look...

Smore' Pops off to School....

Happy Girls.... Kindergarten RULES!!!

Ghost's For Great Grandma...

I'm sure a lot of you have seen this idea, BUT I had to share!

We all had such a great time making this for my Grandma.  She came for a long over due visit and we couldn't let her leave empty handed.

Simple Canvas - Painted Black

Wyatt could not figure it out... WHY are you PAINTING ON ME???

Our Littlest Ghost

Great Grandma & Her Artists


The finished product, my niece Claire did all the writing and extra art work.

I simply added the ribbon and bow... Everyone should believe in these Ghosts!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Hall-o-Ween Time...

I have to admit it was a bit of a challenge to find new places in the house for all my decorations....Spooky Spider Web made it out side along with the witch!

I grabbed some Martha Stewart Spiders... Wyatt loves finding them all over the house!

Here's a few pictures of our pumpkin harvest! Tractor Required...

Hauling the Load

All Cleaned off, Perfectly Prosser Pumpkins:)

Fall IS HERE! Hooray!